

SwiftUI, Core Data and CloudKit Part 1

This is a simple project for SwiftUI, Core Data and CloudKit. In part 1, I will create a simple project in SwiftUI, then turn it into Core Data. In part 2, I will use CloudKit to sync with Core Data.


Create a macOS SwiftUI project.

Project Code

//  ContentView.swift
//  Todo List
//  Created by zhaoxin on 2022/5/7.

import SwiftUI

struct ContentView: View {
    @State private var items = [Item]()
    @State private var addNewItem = false
    let addNewItemPublisher = NotificationCenter.default.publisher(for: AddItemView.addNewItem)
    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            ScrollView(.vertical, showsIndicators: true) {
                if items.isEmpty {
                    Text("No Data")
                } else {
                    List($items) { item in
                        HStack {
                            Text(DateFormatter.localizedString(from: item.startDate.wrappedValue, dateStyle: .none, timeStyle: .short))
                    .frame(minWidth: 580, minHeight: 400, idealHeight: 600)
            .onReceive(addNewItemPublisher) { notification in
                if let userInfo = notification.userInfo as? [String:Item], let item = userInfo["new item"] {
            Button {
            } label: {
            .sheet(isPresented: $addNewItem) {
        .frame(width: 600, height: 600, alignment: .center)
    private func add() {
        addNewItem = true

struct ContentView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
    static var previews: some View {
//  AddItemView.swift
//  Todo List
//  Created by zhaoxin on 2022/5/7.

import SwiftUI

struct AddItemView: View {
    static let addNewItem = Notification.Name("addNewItem")
    @Environment(\.dismiss) private var dismiss
    @State private var item = Item(startDate: Date(), title: "")
    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            Text("Add New Item")
            TextField("What to do?", text: $item.title, prompt: Text("Go shopping."))
            DatePicker("When?", selection: $item.startDate)
            HStack {
                Button {
                } label: {
                .disabled(item.title.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines).isEmpty)

                Button {
                } label: {
    private func save() {
        NotificationCenter.default.post(name: AddItemView.addNewItem, object: nil, userInfo: ["new item" : item])
    private func cancel() {

struct AddItemView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
    static var previews: some View {
//  Model.swift
//  Todo List
//  Created by zhaoxin on 2022/5/7.

import Foundation

struct Item:Identifiable {
    let id = UUID().uuidString
    var startDate:Date
    var title:String

class ItemProvider:ObservableObject {
    @Published var items = [Item]()

You can test and run the app.

Core Data Basics


NSPersistentContainer handles the creation of the Core Data stack and offers access to the NSManagedObjectContext as well as a number of convenience methods.


The NSManagedObjectModel instance describes the data that is going to be accessed by the Core Data stack. During the creation of the Core Data stack, the NSManagedObjectModel is loaded into memory as the first step in the creation of the stack.


The NSPersistentStoreCoordinator sits in the middle of the Core Data stack. The coordinator is responsible for realizing instances of entities that are defined inside of the model. It creates new instances of the entities in the model, and it retrieves existing instances from a persistent store (NSPersistentStore).


The managed object context (NSManagedObjectContext) is the object that your application will interact with the most, and therefore it is the one that is exposed to the rest of your application. Think of the managed object context as an intelligent scratch pad. When you fetch objects from a persistent store, you bring temporary copies onto the scratch pad where they form an object graph (or a collection of object graphs). You can then modify those objects however you like. Unless you actually save those changes, however, the persistent store remains unaltered.

All managed objects must be registered with a managed object context. You use the context to add objects to the object graph and remove objects from the object graph. The context tracks the changes you make, both to individual objects’ attributes and to the relationships between objects. By tracking changes, the context is able to provide undo and redo support for you. It also ensures that if you change relationships between objects, the integrity of the object graph is maintained.

If you choose to save the changes you have made, the context ensures that your objects are in a valid state. If they are, the changes are written to the persistent store (or stores), new records are added for objects you created, and records are removed for objects you deleted.

Without Core Data, you have to write methods to support archiving and unarchiving of data, to keep track of model objects, and to interact with an undo manager to support undo. In the Core Data framework, most of this functionality is provided for you automatically, primarily through the managed object context.

Core Data

Project Code

To use core data, first we must remove "Model.swift" file. Then we created a Core Data Model file, named it as "Model.xcdatamodeld".

Then we create it attributes.

core data model

Create ItemProvider

Add a new file, name it as "ItemProvider.swift".

//  ItemProvider.swift
//  Todo List
//  Created by zhaoxin on 2022/5/7.

import Foundation
import CoreData
import AppKit

class ItemProvider:ObservableObject {
    let container = NSPersistentContainer(name: "Model")
    init() {
        container.loadPersistentStores { description, error in
            if let error = error {
                let alert = NSAlert(error: error)

We must first create the NSPersistentContainer, or the app will not know how to create an instance of "Item".

Core Data in SwiftUI

We need to set managedObjectContext in environment, so it will be use in the SwiftUI app.

//  Todo_ListApp.swift
//  Todo List
//  Created by zhaoxin on 2022/5/7.

 <a href="https://www.flaticon.com/free-icons/reminder" title="reminder icons">Reminder icons created by max.icons - Flaticon</a>

import SwiftUI

struct Todo_ListApp: App {
    @StateObject private var itemProvider = ItemProvider()
    var body: some Scene {
        WindowGroup {
                .environment(\.managedObjectContext, itemProvider.container.viewContext)

Then in ContentView.swift, we fetch the results from Core Data.

//  ContentView.swift
//  Todo List
//  Created by zhaoxin on 2022/5/7.

import SwiftUI

struct ContentView: View {
    @Environment(\.managedObjectContext) var managedObjectContext
    @FetchRequest(sortDescriptors: [SortDescriptor(\.startDate, order: .forward)]) var items:FetchedResults<Item>
    @State private var item:Item?
    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            ScrollView(.vertical, showsIndicators: true) {
                if items.isEmpty {
                    Text("No Data")
                } else {
                    List(items) { item in
                        HStack {
                            Text(DateFormatter.localizedString(from: item.startDate!, dateStyle: .none, timeStyle: .short))
                    .frame(minWidth: 580, minHeight: 400, idealHeight: 600)
            Button {
            } label: {
            .sheet(item: $item) { item in
                AddItemView(item: item)
        .frame(width: 600, height: 600, alignment: .center) 
    private func add() {
        let item = Item(context: managedObjectContext)
        item.id = UUID()
        item.startDate = Date()
        self.item = item

struct ContentView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
    static var previews: some View {

In AddItemView, the similar.

//  AddItemView.swift
//  Todo List
//  Created by zhaoxin on 2022/5/7.

import SwiftUI
import CoreData

struct AddItemView: View {
    @Environment(\.managedObjectContext) var managedObjectContext
    @Environment(\.dismiss) private var dismiss
    @State var item:Item
    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            Text("Add New Item")
            TextField("What to do?", text: Binding($item.title) ?? .constant(""), prompt: Text("Go shopping."))
            DatePicker("When?", selection: Binding($item.startDate) ?? .constant(Date()))
            HStack {
                Button {
                } label: {

                Button {
                } label: {
    private func save() {
        if var title = item.title {
            title = title.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines)
            guard !title.isEmpty else {
                let alert = NSAlert()
                alert.messageText = NSLocalizedString("Title is empty!", comment: "")
                alert.alertStyle = .warning
                alert.addButton(withTitle: NSLocalizedString("OK", comment: ""))
            do {
                item.title = title
                try managedObjectContext.save()
            } catch {
                let alert = NSAlert(error: error)
    private func cancel() {

In SwiftUI, we use "NotificationCenter" to post a notification in save() function. In Core Data, we no longer need the notification as we could save directly and the change will automatically trigger the FetchedResults.


App Architecture of SwiftUI

When developing with Cocoa/UIKit, the most common used architecture is MVC.


What is the architecture when using SwiftUI? Someone says it is MVVM. Someone says it is MV, MVC without C. I would like say it would be M-VC, Model with View and Controller.


We want every element to be simple. For MV architecture, the View is too heavy for me. For M-VC, we want the View as simple as possible. The extra parts we think it to be Controller.

Split View into small Views

For a SwiftUI View, when one of the @State properties changed, all @State properties in the same view will be updated. If this is overhead, you can split those @State properties to another view, that will reduce CPU usage and speed up your app.

Get Macs, IP Addresses and Internet IP Addresses

We need to use C function to get those values. And then we check the values with command ifconfig and understand which to which.

Get Local MACs and IP Addresses

private func getLocalIPAndMACAdress() {
    var address : String?

    // Get list of all interfaces on the local machine:
    var ifaddr:UnsafeMutablePointer<ifaddrs>!
    if getifaddrs(&ifaddr) == 0 {
        // For each interface ...
        var ptr:UnsafeMutablePointer<ifaddrs>! = ifaddr
        var networkLinkDictionary = [String:[String]]()
        repeat {
            defer { ptr = ptr.pointee.ifa_next}
            let interface = ptr.pointee
            // Check interface name:
            let name = String(cString: interface.ifa_name)
            // Convert interface address to a human readable string:
            var hostname = [CChar](repeating: 0, count: Int(NI_MAXHOST))
            getnameinfo(interface.ifa_addr, socklen_t(interface.ifa_addr.pointee.sa_len),
                        &hostname, socklen_t(hostname.count),
                        nil, socklen_t(0), NI_NUMERICHOST)
            address = String(cString: hostname)
            var values = networkLinkDictionary[name] ?? []
            networkLinkDictionary.updateValue(values, forKey: name)
        } while ptr != nil
        set(networkLinkDictionary: networkLinkDictionary)
        #if DEBUG
        networkLinkDictionary.keys.sorted().forEach { key in
            print(key, "\t", networkLinkDictionary[key]!)

private func set(networkLinkDictionary:[String:[String]]) {
    networkLinkDictionary.keys.sorted().forEach {
        switch $0 {
            // for iMac 5K, en0 is ethernet; en1 is WiFi
        case "en0":
            enthernet = getNetworkLink(values: networkLinkDictionary["en0"] ?? [])
            #if DEBUG
        case "en1":
            wifi = getNetworkLink(values: networkLinkDictionary["en1"] ?? [])
            #if DEBUG

private func getNetworkLink(values:[String]) -> NetworkLink {
    let networkLink:NetworkLink
    switch values.count {
    case 1:
        networkLink = NetworkLink(MAC: values[0])
    case 2:
        networkLink = NetworkLink(MAC: values[0], ipv6: values[1])
    case 3:
        networkLink = NetworkLink(MAC: values[0], ipv6: values[1], ipv4: values[2])
        networkLink = NetworkLink(MAC: "")
    return networkLink

public struct NetworkLink:Equatable {
    public init(MAC:String, ipv6:String? = nil, ipv4:String? = nil){
        self.MAC = MAC
        self.ipv6 = ipv6
        self.ipv4 = ipv4
    public let MAC:String
    public var ipv6:String? = nil
    public var ipv4:String? = nil

Get Internet IP Addresses

We use ipify.org to get internet IP addresses.

Don't use URLSession.share

Create a new URLSession each time your own. If you use URLSession.share, you app won't detect internet IP changes, it will always show the IP when the app starts.

I had tried 3 different frameworks on github.com. They all has the above issue. So I write the code myself.

private func setInterIP(type:IPType) async {
    let url:URL
    if !reachable {
        switch type {
        case .ipv4:
            internetIPV4 = NSLocalizedString("Inactive", bundle: .module, comment: "")
        case .ipv6:
            internetIPV6 = NSLocalizedString("Inactive", bundle: .module, comment: "")
    switch type {
    case .ipv4:
        url = URL(string: "https://api.ipify.org?format=json")!
        if internetIPV4.isEmpty {
            internetIPV4 = "..."
    case .ipv6:
        url = URL(string: "https://api64.ipify.org?format=json")!
        if internetIPV6.isEmpty {
            internetIPV6 = "..."
    let urlSessionConfiguration = URLSessionConfiguration.default
    let urlSession = URLSession(configuration: urlSessionConfiguration)
    do {
        let (data, urlResponse) = try await urlSession.data(from: url)
        DispatchQueue.main.async { [self] in
            if let httpResponse = urlResponse as? HTTPURLResponse, httpResponse.statusCode == 200 {
                if let dic = try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: []) as? [String:String] {
                    switch type {
                    case .ipv4:
                        internetIPV4 = dic["ip"]!
                        #if DEBUG
                    case .ipv6:
                        internetIPV6 = dic["ip"]!
                        #if DEBUG
            } else {
                #if DEBUG
    } catch {