



func applicationDidFinishLaunching(_ aNotification: Notification) {
    let dic = ["test":true]
    let id = Bundle.main.bundleIdentifier!
    // 1
    UserDefaults.standard.setPersistentDomain(dic, forName: id)
    // 2
    UserDefaults.standard.register(defaults: dic)


func applicationDidFinishLaunching(_ aNotification: Notification) {
   let dic = ["test":true]
   let id = Bundle.main.bundleIdentifier!
   if let _ = UserDefaults.standard.persistentDomain(forName: id) {
   else {
       UserDefaults.standard.setPersistentDomain(dic, forName: id)
   UserDefaults.standard.register(defaults: dic)


let dic = ["test":true]
let id = Bundle.main.bundleIdentifier!
// 1
UserDefaults.standard.removePersistentDomain(forName: id)
UserDefaults.standard.setPersistentDomain(dic, forName: id)
// 2



let dic = ["test":true]
let id = Bundle.main.bundleIdentifier!
// 1
UserDefaults.standard.setPersistentDomain(dic, forName: id)
// 2

那么方法2是怎么回事?可不可以也采用直接设置的方式?比如UserDefaults.standard.register(defaults: dic)。实际上是不可以的。这涉及到UserDefaults的原理。在实际使用中,系统是将registration domain和其它domain联合使用的。苹果的文档这样写到。

The registration domain defines the set of default values to use if a given preference is not set explicitly in one of the other domains.
如果其它domain没有设置某个设置,就使用registration domain定义的设置,即它实际是fail safe的默认值。

实际上registration domain,是临时的设置,你在每次启动程序时,都需要设置它。但是,如果用户将registration domain中含有的项的值改变了,系统就会自动将改变的内容写入到一个以你的程序命名的plist中。这里的值的优先级别,要比registration domain里的值的级别高,程序会以这里的为准。当然,你也可以通过直接写入PersistentDomain方法来修改这里的值。但是我们一般不会这么做。而是使用UserDefaults的一系列set方法,当使用set方法时,系统会自动将设置写入到plist中。

使用registration domain的好处

  1. 用户仅能见到非默认的设置,如果有些设置你不打算让用户知道或修改,这样更安全。
  2. 注册和删除的方式更加优雅。
  3. 添加新设置时更为方便,无需考虑程序版本。



  1. 在程序每次启动时调用registration domain来写如程序的默认值
  2. 当默认值被被用户修改时,调用UserDefaults的系列set方法来调用
  3. 除非要写入到其它的plist,我们一般不必使用PersistentDomain

WKWatchConnectivityRefreshBackgroundTask is never triggered in background, but WKSnapshotRefreshBackgroundTask

Conclusion first

Currently WKWatchConnectivityRefreshBackgroundTask is only called for sure on a watchOS Simulator when the watchOS extension's WCSession is in notActivated state and the extension is not running in foreground (in background or terminated).

In real devices, it won't be called in my tests. But Apple docs says it may. So you shouldn't rely on it won't be called until Apple changes its docs.

WCSession Cores

WCSession Core

For WCSession, when it is activated, you can transfer userInfo, and when the counterpart is active, it can get the userInfo. The counterpart won't need to be in foreground to be activated, it can be in a high priority background.

Testing Results

Here are my testing results.

In Simulators and in devices

How to make WCSession notActivated?

  1. Using Xcode terminate your watchOS Extension. Xcode will send a kill signal to your WKExtension.
  2. Or don't run WCSession.activate() in your code on watchOS Extension side. As WCSession is notActivated by default.