

Strongly Recommend You to Add Your Own UINavigationControllers even in iOS 14 when Using UISplitViewController

In iOS 14, Apple adapts UISplitViewController from two columns to three columns. Especially, it says that

If you set a child view controller that’s not a navigation controller, the split view controller creates a navigation controller for it.

However, Apple didn't say that it will try to reuse the UINavigationController when you reset the columns.

That means, when you set .secondary view controller to another view controller, the split view controller will push the new view controller to the back stack, which is not what you want.

Issue Sample

UISplitViewController Issue

  1. run the sample
  2. you will see detail 01, press back
  3. you will see master 01, press back
  4. you will see primary, press Master 02
  5. you will see Master 02, press Master 02
  6. you will see Detail 02, press back

You expect to see Master 02.
You see Detail 01.

Work Around

Add a UINavigationViewController to each of detail view controllers.

UISplitViewController Issue work around

I have file this as a bug to Apple. The id is FB8640357.

Apple's Reply

Just got the reply from Apple. 8 days since I have filed this issue. Apple says:

After reviewing your feedback, we have some additional information for you:

This is expected behavior.

The secondary column gets this special treatment if the view controller gets set to a non-navigation controller when it already has a nav controller—i.e., it’s pushed onto the nav stack, as they discovered.

Expected use patterns would be:

• Change the contents of the detail view controller (not the vc itself) and send -showColumn:UISplitViewControllerColumnSecondary (if desired) to confirm that the secondary column is visible, or ...
• For the secondary column only, clear it first by setting its vc to nil, then setting new desired vc, or ...
• Manage the navigation controller in the secondary column directly with -setViewControllers: or push/pop. If you’re using an automatically created UINavigationController instead of one you provided, you can find it with -viewControllerForColumn: and then ask that vc for its navigation controller.

Apple gave 3 recommends. The first was easy to think of, but it needed the two view controllers to be very similar.

I like the second recommend most. func setViewController(_ vc: UIViewController?, for column: UISplitViewController.UISplitViewController.Column) does allow vc to be nil. And it is direct. There is some performance lose though. As it will create another UINavigationViewController each time.

The third recommend has the most performance. But it is indirect. And it smells bad. It should be seen as a workaround.


I recommend to fix it in storyboard as I previously did. Or, using the second recommend by Apple.

Best Practice of URL Related Operations with Strings

What is a URL?

A Uniform Resource Locator (URL), colloquially termed a web address, is a reference to a web resource that specifies its location on a computer network and a mechanism for retrieving it.


URL shown in address bar of a browser

In a browser like Safari or Chrome, a URL is shown in a human friendly way. For example, you may see a URL like this for https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/统一资源定位符, this is the Chinese version of URL page on Wikipedia.


URL dealt by social media

However, the human friendly URLs are not standard and not allowed by social media platforms like Weibo and Twitter. Here are the results that sharing https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/统一资源定位符 on the above two platforms.

url shared on weibo

url shared on twitter

Both of them are not shown the URL correctly, as the Chinese characters are not allowed to be used in a URL directly.

URL with percentage encoding

In fact, those characters are converted by a method called percentage. Here is a percentage url:https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E7%BB%9F%E4%B8%80%E8%B5%84%E6%BA%90%E5%AE%9A%E4%BD%8D%E7%AC%A6. The percentage URL can be used in social media platforms as well as in browsers.

Detecting URLs from Strings

We use NSDataDetector to get the URLs from a String.

let urlString = "This is a URL: https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/统一资源定位符"
let dataDetector = try! NSDataDetector(types: NSTextCheckingResult.CheckingType.link.rawValue)
dataDetector.matches(in: urlString, range: NSRange(location: 0, length: (urlString as NSString).length))
    .forEach {
        print($0.range) // {15, 37}
        print(urlString[Range($0.range, in: urlString)!]) // https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/统一资源定位符
        print($0.url!.absoluteString) // https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E7%BB%9F%E4%B8%80%E8%B5%84%E6%BA%90%E5%AE%9A%E4%BD%8D%E7%AC%A6

The benefit of using NSDataDetector is that we could get the percentage URL automatically.

Bugs of NSDataDetector with link type

The above was enough for String and URLs. However, good things do not always happen. In practice, I found that there were some bugs in NSDataDetector which lead something fatal.

let s = """
// no issue
1. iOS版:https://itunes.apple.com/cn/app/咕唧2/id1366583897?mt=8
2. iOS:https://itunes.apple.com/cn/app/咕唧2/id1366583897?mt=8
3. iOS https://itunes.apple.com/cn/app/咕唧2/id1366583897?mt=8

// issue
4. iOS:https://itunes.apple.com/cn/app/咕唧2/id1366583897?mt=8
5. iOS·https://itunes.apple.com/cn/app/咕唧2/id1366583897?mt=8
6. iOSˆhttps://itunes.apple.com/cn/app/咕唧2/id1366583897?mt=8
7. iOSøhttps://itunes.apple.com/cn/app/咕唧2/id1366583897?mt=8
8. iOS_https://itunes.apple.com/cn/app/咕唧2/id1366583897?mt=8

// unknown scheme issue
9. iOShttps://itunes.apple.com/cn/app/咕唧2/id1366583897?mt=8

let dataDetector = try! NSDataDetector(types: NSTextCheckingResult.CheckingType.link.rawValue)

dataDetector.matches(in: s, range: NSRange(location: 0, length: (s as NSString).length))
     .enumerated().forEach { index, match in
        print(index + 1)
        print(s[Range(match.range, in: s)!])

The result is










From 4 to 8, the range of match dropped the https:// part from the original string. For the last, the scheme of the URL was not as expected.


NSDataDetector is an API provided by Apple. We could file a bug and wait until Apple fixes it. Meanwhile, we should write a workaround and keep our apps working.

For issues in 4 to 8, we should double check if there were missing schemes ahead. If there was, we should recalculate the new NSRange and URL, as the old ones were not accuracy.

For the last issue, we thought it was a typing mistake and we would leave it alone.

import Foundation

extension NSTextCheckingResult {
    // FIXME: - Workaround for Apple API Issue
    public func extendedResultForHttp(of str:String) -> (NSRange, URL)? {
        guard resultType == .link else {
            return nil
        guard url?.scheme?.lowercased().hasPrefix("http") ?? false else {
            return nil
        // check bug with http:// or https://
        let httpScheme = "http://"
        let httpsScheme = "https://"
        let otherScheme = "x://"
        var location = self.range.location - (httpScheme as NSString).length
        if location >= 0 {
            let lowerBound = str.index(str.startIndex, offsetBy: location)
            let upperBound = str.index(lowerBound, offsetBy: httpScheme.count)
            if httpScheme == str[lowerBound..<upperBound] {
                let _nsRange = NSRange(location: location, length: (httpScheme as NSString).length + self.range.length)
                let url = URL(string: urlStringWithOriginalScheme(httpScheme)!)!
                return (_nsRange, url)
        location = self.range.location - (httpsScheme as NSString).length
        if location >= 0 {
            let lowerBound = str.index(str.startIndex, offsetBy: location)
            let upperBound = str.index(lowerBound, offsetBy: httpsScheme.count)
            if httpsScheme == str[lowerBound..<upperBound] {
                let _nsRange = NSRange(location: location, length: (httpsScheme as NSString).length + self.range.length)
                let url = URL(string: urlStringWithOriginalScheme(httpsScheme)!)!
                return (_nsRange, url)
        // check bug with other protocols
        location = self.range.location - (otherScheme as NSString).length
        if location >= 0 {
            let lowerBound = str.index(str.startIndex, offsetBy: location)
            let upperBound = str.index(lowerBound, offsetBy: httpsScheme.count)
            let schemeStr = String(str[lowerBound..<upperBound])
            let _nsRange = NSRange(location: 0, length: (schemeStr as NSString).length)
            let regularExpress = try! NSRegularExpression(pattern: "^[a-zA-Z]+://", options: .anchorsMatchLines)
            if regularExpress.firstMatch(in: schemeStr, range: _nsRange) != nil {
                return nil
        // good result
        return (self.range, self.url!)
    private func urlStringWithOriginalScheme(_ originalScheme:String) -> String? {
        if let url = self.url, var scheme = url.scheme {
            scheme += "://"
            let str = url.absoluteString
            return originalScheme + String(str[str.index(str.startIndex, offsetBy: scheme.count)...])
        return nil


Swift 5 String补遗

A Reply to Apple on SiriKit Issues

I installed the profile of Siri for iOS. And the issue did seem to be solved at first. In fact it didn't. It just passed the above example. If we revised the example a little, this issue was still there.

Here is the new example:

  1. in Xcode, download iOS 13.3 simulator, as SiriKit doesn't work in 13.5 simulator at all.
  2. run against "SiriKit Intent" target with Siri in sample project with iOS 13.3 simulator, say iPhone 8 Plus.
  3. open Shortcuts, create a new shortcut with "SiriKit Issue" app and named it as "Find My Fruit".
  4. Hold home button and say "Find My Fruit".
  5. Siri asks:"What fruit do you want to have?"
  6. answer: Green.
  7. Siri asks:"Just to confirm, you wanted 'Green Apple'?"
  8. answer: Yes.
  9. Siri says:"Here is your Green Apple!"

In a real device, the steps 7 to 9 will be:

  1. Siri asks:"Confirm for name?" // The name here was a placeholder, I think. Siri used the placeholder instead of the parameter's value.
  2. answer: Yes.
  3. Siri says:"OK, done. Here is your Green!"

Profile of Siri for iOS reset current Siri setting and fixed some issue

In fact, I have two projects. One is the project I am working on in Chinese. The other is the sample project in English I sent to you as the issue example. Since both of them are in different languages, I switch the language of Siri a lot.

After receiving the email from you, I switched Siri to English and tested. The issue was still there. Then I installed the profile of Siri. The issue was gone after the system rebooted. However, when I changed Siri to Chinese and tested the Chinese project, the issue still existed.

I then removed the profile and rebooted. Then I installed the profile again with Siri in Chinese as current setting. After rebooting, some parts of the issue of the project in Chinese was gone. Then I switched Siri to English. Again, the issue of the English example was back.

My conclusion: installing the Siri profile reset the current setting of Siri, which fixed some issue. But Siri in other languages still have the issue. Maybe Apple should reset Siri's setting every time the language of Siri is changed.

With above conclusion, we could run the issue of the old example by these addition steps:

  1. Remove Siri profile and reboot.
  2. Switch Siri to a language other than English, say Chinese.
  3. Install Siri profile and reboot.
  4. Switch Siri back to English. Since the profile reset the Chinese Siri. The English Siri still has the issue.
  5. Run the steps of the old example again on the original post.

API regression of SiriKit after iOS 13.3

//  INStringResolutionResult.h
//  Intents
//  Copyright © 2016-2020 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.

@available(iOS 10.0, *)
open class INStringResolutionResult : INIntentResolutionResult {

    // This resolution result is for when the app extension wants to tell Siri to proceed, with a given string. The resolvedString can be different than the original string. This allows app extensions to apply business logic constraints to the string.
    // Use +notRequired to continue with a 'nil' value.
    open class func success(with resolvedString: String) -> Self

    // This resolution result is to ask Siri to disambiguate between the provided strings.
    open class func disambiguation(with stringsToDisambiguate: [String]) -> Self

    // This resolution result is to ask Siri to confirm if this is the string with which the user wants to continue.
    open class func confirmationRequired(with stringToConfirm: String?) -> Self

Above is the header file copied from Xcode. You can see that for a single string, a developer could use either open class func disambiguation(with stringsToDisambiguate: [String]) -> Self or open class func confirmationRequired(with stringToConfirm: String?) -> Self. However, in my own test, both of them didn't work with single result on iOS later than iOS 13.3. When the results were more than 1 elements, the api worked. When only one element existed, Siri used the placeholder, which was called "name", instead of the parameter's value.

You can see it from differences between the old example and the new one above. For the old one, there were 3 kinds of apples, so Siri listed them successfully. For the new one, there was only one apple, the Green Apple, Siri asked "Confirm for name?" in a real device on iOS 13.6 beta, on an iOS 13.3 simulator, Siri asked "Just to confirm, you wanted 'Green Apple'?".

Final Conclusions

  1. When switching languages, Siri some times, if not all the times, has an issue of using the default sentences to replace the sentences that a developer provides.
  2. Installing Siri profile and reboot may fixed above issue on Siri of current setting. But if you change the language of Siri, the issue is still there.
  3. There were regressions on APIs of INStringResolutionResult. For single result, both open class func disambiguation(with stringsToDisambiguate: [String]) -> Self and open class func confirmationRequired(with stringToConfirm: String?) -> Self wouldn't work on iOS later than iOS 13.3. Siri used a placeholder called "name" instead of the actual value.


Internationalisation issue with Sirikit Custom Intents & iOS 13.4.1