

NSTextView Best Practice

Initiate Font

Unlike UITextView, you cannot assign font in NSTextView with empty string in Interface Builder. There are many ways to set the font, like to set the font of NSTextView.textStorage.font or set the attributedString of NSTextView.textStorage or just set the attributes. However, those methods are all imperfect.

Working With Input Method

The answers above are all not working with input method. The cursor indicator will still be the unset font's style and the font only applied when you have finished inputing.

The only correct way is to set the typingAttributes property of NSTextView.

inputTextView.typingAttributes = [
    .font : NSFont.userFont(ofSize: 17.0) ?? NSFont.systemFont(ofSize: 17.0),
    .foregroundColor : NSColor.labelColor

Don't forget to set the foregroundColor as well, or you textview won't work with light/dark mode switching.


It is easy to turn on undo in Interface Builder. However, you should know that every time you set string or attributedString property, the undo operations are clear.

You may notice that if the textview is in a modal window, its view controller is presented by presentAsModalWindow(_:), the undo operations will not work as expected.

NSTextDelegate And NSTextStorageDelegate

Both NSTextDelegate and NSTextStorageDelegate work with NSTextView, however there are slightly differences between those functions.

// NSTextDelegate
func textDidBeginEditing(_ notification: Notification)
// only runs once when a user first starts editing.

func textDidChange(_ notification: Notification) 
// only runs when a user edits in the textview.

// NSTextStorageDelegate
textStorage(_ textStorage: NSTextStorage, willProcessEditing editedMask: NSTextStorageEditActions, range editedRange: NSRange, changeInLength delta: Int)
// and
func textStorage(_ textStorage: NSTextStorage, didProcessEditing editedMask: NSTextStorageEditActions, range editedRange: NSRange, changeInLength delta: Int)
// runs every time a user edits, also runs when the developer sets string property in code.

Mixing Fonts Causing the Whole Line Moves

Jun-20-2020 19-50-37

This issue happens when using texts with emoji or texts in different languages. Both TextEdit.app and Pages.app have this issue. Changing text size over 22 may solve this issue. There is no other method to solve this issue yet.


Weight and Line Height of Font between macOS and iOS



设备1:@小明 x号登录,x+27天后开始提醒。
设备2:@小明 y号登录,y+27天后开始提醒。(x < y)





设备1:@小明 x号登录,x+30授权结束。
设备2:@小明 y号登录,y+30授权结束。 (x<y)


设备1:@小明 x号登录,x+30授权结束。
设备2:@小明 y号登录,y+30授权结束。 (x<y)



The Real Reason of Set NSMenuDelegate in Interface Builder Not Working

When implemented the "Open Recent..." menu item under "File" menu, I connected the menu of "Open Recent"'s delegate to "AppDelegate" class. However, the delegate functions never called.


I tried to connect the NSMenuDelegate with the main menu, the result was the same.

I looked this issue up in stackoverflow site. There are many questions on this. Someone says that "Menu delegates are not used that often, so Apple hasn't made them too easy to set up in Interface Builder. Instead, do this in awakeFromNib:".

I don't accept the theory. But the answer does imply that setting NSMenuDelegate in code works.

Then I looked up on how to implementing "Open Recent..." menu. I found this post, Respond to Open Recent clicks in NSMenu. I was glad that I could use NSDocumentController to get the feature of "Open Recent...".

But the routine approach is not suit for my app.

For apps like Pages or Numbers, the files they open varies every time on names. However, for Xliff Tool, the files it opens are exported by Xcode, and the names are fixed. So when using the default approach of NSDocumentController, the recent files shown may be the same.


As you can see in above picture, there are two files with the same name. In fact they are in different paths. I need to show the files in full paths instead of just filenames.

So the question is back again. I have to make functions to conform to NSMenuDelegate.

What the magic Apple does to make the "Open Recent..." menu working?

Apple must have implemented its own class that conforms to NSMenuDelegate protocol. Since in Interface Builder I could not find any, I would debug it on AppDelegate's applicationDidFinishLaunching(_:) function.

I connect a @IBOutlet of menu of "Open Recent..." to "AppDelegate", and found that when app runs, the openRecentMenu has been set a NSMenuDelegate called NSDocumentControllerSubMenuDelegate.


After another digging, I found that NSDocumentControllerSubMenuDelegate is a hidden class that should not be used by third-party developers.


The answer of NSMenuDelegate set in Interface Builder not working is that for mechanism of magic like "Open Recent...", Apple resets the NSMenuDelegate of all menus under an app's main menu.

Anyone who wants to use a NSMenuDelegate, should set it in code.

My Own Solution

After set the NSMenuDelegate, the rest is easy.

extension AppDelegate:NSMenuDelegate {
    func menuNeedsUpdate(_ menu: NSMenu) {
        let clearMenuMenuItem = menu.items.last!
        let urls = NSDocumentController.shared.recentDocumentURLs
        let menuItems = urls.map {
            NSMenuItem(title: $0.path, action: #selector(openFile(_:)), keyEquivalent: "")
        menu.items = [
            [NSMenuItem.separator(), clearMenuMenuItem]


The differences between @ojbc and @IBAction through an interesting bug/feature of Interface Builder.