

Trump Realm With SwiftUI

You may have already known how to using Realm with Swift. In case you were not, we would like to have a quick review.

Realm With Swift


import Foundation
import RealmSwift

class Item:Object, ObjectKeyIdentifiable {
    @Persisted(primaryKey: true) var _id: ObjectId
    @Persisted var title = ""
    @Persisted(originProperty: "items") var group: LinkingObjects<Group>

class Group:Object, ObjectKeyIdentifiable {
    @Persisted(primaryKey: true) var _id: ObjectId
    @Persisted var items = RealmSwift.List<Item>()

Get Results

let realm = try! Realm()
let groups = realm.objects(Group.self)

Mutating Data

try! realm.write {
    let group = Group()
    realm.add(group, update: .all)

Realm With SwiftUI

Model in Realm with SwiftUI is the same. However, how to getting results and mutating data are much different.

Get Results

Results are got implicitly.

import SwiftUI
import RealmSwift

struct ContentView: View {
    @ObservedResults(Group.self) var groups
    var body: some View {
        if let group = groups.last {
            MainSwiftUIView(group: group)
        } else {
            ProgressView().onAppear(perform: {

You can think @ObservedResults as some kind of Binding struct, its wrappedValue is the original Realm results.

public var wrappedValue: RealmSwift.Results<ResultType> { get }

When you call @ObservedResults(Group.self) var groups, Realm automatically created implicitly.

public init(_ type: ResultType.Type, configuration: RealmSwift.Realm.Configuration? = nil, filter: NSPredicate? = nil, keyPaths: [String]? = nil, sortDescriptor: RealmSwift.SortDescriptor? = nil)

Mutating Data

@ObservedResults(Group.self) var groups

The variable groups and $groups are different. groups is a frozen object of Group. While $groups is a ObservedResults object, it is unfrozen and is used to do mutation.

Frozen object mean the state of the object is unchanged, the normal Realm object is live and unfrozen.

private func add() {


@ObservedRealmObject is similar like @ObservedResults, but it is not results, but for single realm object.

You should take care of the spelling. As there are a lot similar spellings. Like @ObservableObject, @ObservedObject, they all look like @ObservedRealmObject, if you misspell them, the compiler won't notify and you app won't work.
Also, there are two common naming space issues. RealmSwift.List<T> and SwiftUI.App.
